
again, and again
11 may 2024
You'll miss it if you blink - if you don't focus while you scroll. When it happened to me, the word was everywhere - a poster girl for so many different things, only some of them a willing title. And now again, but there aren't headlines. Instead, they'll bury that they ever knew her at all, they'll say they just changed their minds, they didn't want her in the first place, she's lying, they'd never do such a thing. And yet they do and they do and they fucking do because there will always be someone who is willing to pick up a paycheck that's been laced with poison and stained with blood.
100 word challenge
They hear your silences, the nothingness screaming into world. The words you do say are heavy with unimportance and ambivalence so how can you be mad when they hit that button, remove you from the echoes they can barely escape? You can change this if you wanted to, if you weren't scared of what would happen next, and you'll look at me and call me an example but I haven't frozen in time or have been locked away with tape over my mouth just yet. Say it, I dare you. Let them decide if they'll keep coming back for more.